It’s time to get back on the bike

Well as you can see from the distinct lack of updates the training has stalled. Also the planned half marathon for this Sunday has been cancelled due to illness meaning I haven’t trainined for 8 weeks. Combine that with twinges returning in my knee I have been less than active.

However enough of the bad news, I am now 95% recovered from a boubt of bronchitis so it’s time to get back to it. The next thing that is booked is the 20 mile obstacle course with SJ (and there will be no cancelling that lol) in May 2019. However I am hoping to fit a couple of events in over the winter so watch this space.

Now I have said that autumn is now upon us and as I look out of my patio doors, across from my wood burner I am not feeling enthused but it’s time to dust off what needs dusting off and to get back to it.

More regular updates now I am back on it (hopefully).



Not all exercise is in a manual

So i had every intention this week of starting my training program. You know the drill. Running, Cycling, swimming. All the usual.

However being born and brought up as a farmers son you soon learn that you don’t need a gym or a fancy bike to burn some calories and get fit. You also learn that this exercise/work is paid in tea and biscuits (minus the biscuits this time).

So with the above in mind and arguably the hottest weather in living memory this week i opted to help the old man out with a spot of fencing. Now i know what your thinking big white suits and a mask that resembles a bee keeper but no this involved 50 stoups (wooden posts to the non farmers in you)  and a 16KG post knocker.

So its 19:00 at night and still 31c, what better way to spend a Thursday evening. oh through in the fact these where being knocked into an old dry stone wall bed that resembled nothing short of trying to knock the things into bedrock.

Anyway with a lot of persistence, even more sweat and the odd swearword the job was completed and i believe my fitness level improved a little :).





The Start of my Journey to 70.3

Well as you can see by the title this is the start of a 14 month journey from un-fit dad of two, to the start line of an Ironman 70.3.

Lets put that into context, today i can run a little, cycle a little more and i don’t really swim at all.  Come September 2019 i will stand on the start line of the Weymouth Ironman 70.3 ready to swim 1.2 miles in open water, cycle 56 miles and then run a half marathon.

Anyway two days have now passed since i decided this was going to be my goal for the next 14 months, well that and guiding my 8 week old wee boy and 3 year old little lady through the next 14 months of their life. I suspect the Ironman will be the easier of the two ;).

So what’s happened, well as announced on my Facebook post i have signed up for the Manchester half marathon on 14th October, which is a challenge in itself as the furthest i have ever run is a 10K, time to strap on those trainers.

Then whilst announcing that my friend SJ decided my training needed distance and diversity,  so that lead to me signing up for “Rat Race Dirty Weekend”. Now i will be honest when i read the title i though this maybe something for Emma and i but alas that wasn’t to be. So come May 2019 SJ, some other crazy folk and myself will be hauling ourselves around 20 miles and 200 obstacles, all in the name of fun :).

Any that is me for today, keep an eye on my blog and i will post regular updates on my “Journey to 70.3”.